I’ve been hitting the gym consistently for about 2 years now.
And when I say consistently, I mean I NEVER miss a workout.
3 times per week, like clockwork. No more, no less.
(I might take some time off for vacation or if I’m sick, but I can’t remember the last time I didn’t go because I didn’t feel like it.)
I don’t say that to brag. It’s just a testament to the power of building the habit.
In part, I think I’ve been successful because I’ve made the routine work for me and adopted it as a part of my lifestyle. Thanks, in part, to a couple of key pieces of gear, supplements, foods, etc. that have helped me along the way.
Anyway, here’s all of my favorite stuff for getting my fitness in order! Maybe some of the recommendations will help you, too.
My favorite workout program: Warrior Shredding Program
I tried a bunch of different things when I was first starting out.
Actually, the very first program I followed was an extremely basic but easy to follow push-pull-legs split from Nerd Fitness. It helped me figure out what I was doing in the gym and learn the lifts.
Then I moved into something a lot closer to the traditional 5×5 program.
But I have to say the program that made the biggest impact on my physique was my time running Kinobody’s Warrior Shredding Program.
It helped me shed a ton of unwanted fat and finally get the lean, toned look I had been craving.
Read my full review of the program right here.
My favorite pre-workout: Kino Octane
From the same fitness brand, I also found my all-time favorite pre-workout.
I’ve tried a bunch, including C4, Six Star, Assault, and more.
Kino Octane is my favorite because it’s the most natural of the bunch and does a lot more to fuel performance than just pump you full of caffeine.
You sacrifice a little in taste, because it’s only got a small amount of artificial sweeteners and lots of natural flavors, but the benefits and quality of the supplement are worth it. I find my workouts are just a little bit better when I use Octane vs other brands.
You can get Octane on Amazon right here or read my full review.
My favorite gym accessory: Kinobody Dipping Belt
I love how doing weighted pull-ups and weighted dips have benefitted my upper body strength.
The problem is, the belts at the gym usually suck.
There are lots of custom belts on the market that you can buy, but I tried this one because it came from the brand I was familiar with and I haven’t been disappointed.
The strap is super strong, the clips are top notch, and it buckles in rather than using a tension-fit, which makes everything a little more stable.
Definitely worth checking this dipping belt out over on Amazon, or check out my full review.
My gym shoes: adidas Powerlift
Investing in real lifting shoes was a great decision I made, probably around a year ago.
(You can tell by the photo they have been well-loved.)
Doing heavy lifts in your crappy running sneakers just isn’t the same.
I’ve found these to be really comfortable and durable.
They’re not great for walking or cardio, but they’re not supposed to be. Completely flat on the bottom with a moderately raised heel and a firm ankle strap, I’ve found these are perfect for heavy lifting sessions.
I got my adidas Powerlift shoes from Amazon for a good price.
My headphones: Phiaton BT 100 wireless headphones
Another great investment I made was getting a good pair of wireless headphones for lifting.
I went with the Phiaton BT 100, which is a pair of over the neck wireless earbuds.
There’s nothing immensely special about them, but they are really solid. Good sound quality, comfortable to wear, and really reliable Bluetooth pairing.
I bought them basically because they were recommended by the Wirecutter, and they haven’t failed me yet.
I got a pretty solid deal on these headphones on Amazon.
My favorite protein bar: ThinkThin High Protein Bars (Creamy Peanut Butter)
OK, now these I definitely couldn’t live without.
Getting enough protein can be a little bit hard when you’re not paying attention, so I like to get a really nice boost right from the start with a protein bar after my workouts.
(It’s also usually my first meal/snack of the day while intermittent fasting.)
These are delicious, and the macros are super solid. Only 230 calories for a respectable 20g of protein, and relatively low in carbs. They’re great for cutting, but I eat them pretty much year round because I like them so much.
All the flavors are good, but the creamy peanut butter is money. You can grab a box or two on Amazon.
Stay tuned for more recommendations. I’ll be adding to this list whenever I find something worthy of being added!
See the disclosure on the sidebar of the page or in my Privacy Policy. I don’t work for any of these brands, not even Kinobody, but I do sometimes receive a commission if you decide to click my affiliate links and make a purchase. I’m a real customer and I only share my real opinions and research on any and all of these products.