There’s a reason why X is worth eight points in the game of Scrabble; there are not very many words that start with it.
So, when you narrow it down to exercises that start with ‘X’, your pickings are extremely slim.
So you shouldn’t be surprised that the ‘X’ version of our alphabet exercise series is not very long. We’ve really scratched our heads to come up with seven good ones.
Can you think of any more?
Without any further ado, here’s a (nearly) complete list of unusual exercises that start with X.

Some of the best exercises that start with the letter X are:
- X Body Curls
- X Band Walk
- X Crunches
- Xtreme Wall Sit
- X Jump Rope
- X Raises
Let’s explore each of these moves and why they deserve a spot in your alphabet routine.
1. X Body Curls
- Pair of dumbbells
How To
- Stand with a dumbbell held in each hand at arm’s length with the palms facing your body.
- Starting with the right arm, flex the elbow to curl the right hand dumbbell across your body so it ends near the center of your chest.
- Lower under control and repeat with the left arm.
Muscles Worked
- Biceps
- Forearms
2. X Band Walk
- Resistance band
How To
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and a resistance band looped under your midfeet. Cross over the other end of the band and grasp them in a cross-over manner. The resistance band will now form an X shape in front of your body.
- Take a step to the right and then bring your left foot across to meet it.
- Take five steps to the right and then another five steps back to the start position.
Muscles Worked
- Glutes
- Hip adductors
3. X Crunches
- None
How To
- Lie on the floor on your back with your legs straightened. Now extend your arms overhead.
- Simultaneously bring your right leg and left arm up as you crunch your abdominals. Try to touch your hand to the opposite foot.
- Lower under control and then repeat with the left leg and right arm.
Muscles Worked
- Rectus abdominis
4. Xtreme Wall Sit
- A wall
How To
- Stand with your back against a wall and your heels about a foot from the wall. Place your hands against the wall at your sides.
- Lower to a sitting position so that your knees are bent at a right angle.
- Bring your left foo up and cross it over your right knee so that your right leg is taking your entire body weight.
- Hold for the required length of time.
Muscles Worked
- Quadriceps
- Glutes
5. X Jump Rope
- Jump Rope
How To
- Stand with a jump rope held at your arm’s length and the rope behind your heels.
- Flick your wrists to bring the rope overhead. As it comes down, jump slightly to allow the rope to travel under your feet.
- On the third skip, cross your hands over in front of our body to perform a cross jump.
- Continue in a smooth, fluid motion, doing a cross jump on every third skip.
Muscles Worked
- Quadriceps
- Calves
- Deltoids
- Forearms
6. X Raises
- Incline bench
- Dumbbells
How To
- Lie face down on an incline bench with a pair of light dumbbells in your hands.
- Starting with the dumbbells at your sides. Pivot from the shoulders to bring them out and up to shoulder level. Keep your arms straight and elbows locked throughout the movement.
- Lower under control and repeat.
Muscles Worked
- Deltoids
Wrapping Up
Our six X exercises work your biceps, legs, core and shoulders.
If you haven’t done them before, which is quite likely, add them to your body part routines to inject some variety to your training. You can also use them when you get to X in your alphabet workout.
While your workout buddies are scratching their heads trying to come up with an X move, you’ll be able to cruise straight into any one of these exercises.
But then, once you’re done, you’ve got to do a ‘Y’ exercise – don’t worry we’ve got you covered in our next article in the series!
For more, don’t miss:
Hope this helps!