As we continue with our alphabet-based exercise series, we arrive at the 23rd letter – W.
You’ll notice that a number of the exercises featured are wide-grip versions of standard exercises. That makes the exercise good to target the outer part of the muscle.
W is a surprisingly great workout letter! Here you’ll find a good balance of body weight, machine, and free weight exercises, and many that can be done in the gym and at home.
So without further ado, here’s a nearly complete list of exercises that start with W.

Some of the best exercises that start with the letter W are:
- Wrist Curls
- W Raise
- Wall Sit
- Wide Grip Pulldown
- Wide Grip Pull Up
- Wide Grip Barbell Curl
- Wall Push Up
- Wide Grip Push Up
- Wide Grip Body Row
- Wall Tricep Push Up
- Windshield Wiper
- Wall Handstand Push Up
- Wenning Wrist Flicks
- Wide Grip Bench Press
- Wide Grip Bent Over Row
Let’s examine the list, how to perform the exercises, and why each of them deserves a spot in your routine.
1. Wrist Curls
- Exercise bench
- Barbell
How To:
- Kneel side on to an exercise bench with a barbell held in an underhand grip, with your pinkies about six inches apart.
- Place your forearms on the bench so that your wrists hang over the edge of the bench.
- Extend your finger to roll the bar down as far it will go.
- Now curl your wrists up to bring the bar back up.
- Repeat for the required rep count.
Muscles Worked
- Forearms
- Wrist flexors
- Wrist extensors
2. W Raise
- Incline bench
- Dumbbells
How To
- Grab a light pair of dumbbells and lie face down on an incline bench that is set at a 45-degree angle.
- Hang your arms down over the edge of the bench with your arms straight.
- Pivot from the shoulder joint to your arms up and out on an angle toward the ceiling until your body is in the shape of the letter ‘W’. Do not bend your elbows as you raise your arms.
- Lower under control and repeat for the required rep count.
Muscles Worked
- Deltoids
3. Wall Sit
- Wall
How To
- Stand with your back against a wall and heels about a foot from it. Place your hands on the wall at your sides.
- Lower down as if you were sitting in a chair with your knees bent at a right angle.
- Keeping your shoulders back against the wall, hold for the required length of time.
Muscles Worked
- Quadriceps
- Glutes
4. Wide Grip Pulldown
- Lat Pulldown Station
How To
- Sit on a lat pulldown machine, facing towards the weight stack. Set the appropriate weight.
- Grab the bar about six inches wider than shoulder width with an overhand grip.In the start position, your torso should be straight up and down (do not lean back).
- Pull the bar down to the top of the chest, squeezing the lats in the bottom position.
- Reverse under control and repeat for the required rep count.
Muscles Worked
- Latissimus dorsi
- Biceps
5. Wide Grip Pull Up
- Pull Up Bar
How To
- Stand under a pull-up bar and reach up to grab the bar with an overhand grip that is about six inches wider than shoulder width.
- Hang from the bar in a dead hang position with your knees bent and feet crossed over. Depress your shoulder blades and flare your lats.
- Pull to bring your chin up to the bar.
- Lower under control and repeat for the required rep count.
Muscles Worked
- Latissimus dorsi
- Biceps
- Deltoids
6. Wide Grip Barbell Curl
- Barbell
How To
- Stand with a barbell held in an underhand grip and your hands about six inches wider than shoulder width. Your arms should be extended so that the bar rests against your mid-thighs.
- Bend your elbows to curl the bar up to your shoulder. Do not swing your back.
- Lower under control and repeat for the required rep count.
Muscles Worked
- Biceps
7. Wall Push-Up
- Wall
How To
- Stand about 18 inches away from a wall, facing it.
- Place your hands on the wall, shoulder width apart.
- Lower your torso toward the wall until your face almost touches.
- Push through your triceps to return to the start position.
Muscles Worked
- Pectorals
- Front deltoids
- Triceps
8. Wide Grip Push-Up
- None
How To
- Get down on the floor and assume a top push up position. Place your hands about six inches wider than shoulder width apart.
- Lower your body to the floor, stopping about an inch short.
- Push through your chest and triceps to return to the start position.
Muscles Worked
- Triceps
- Pectorals
9. Wide Grip Body Row
- Bar
How To
- Position a bar between supports about two feet from the floor. If you have access to a squat or power rack, set the bar up on it. Otherwise, you can use a couple of sturdy chairs.
- Lie under the bar on the floor and reach up to grab it with a wide grip (about six inches wider than shoulder width). Your legs should be straight with your feet together. In the start position, your body should be at about a 30-degree angle to the floor.
- Pull your body up to the bar.
- Lower and repeat for the required rep count.
Muscles Worked
- Latissimus dorsi
- Biceps
- Trapezius
10. Wall Tricep Push-Up
- Wall
How To
- Stand about 18 inches away from a wall, facing it.
- Place your hands on the wall, with your thumbs about eight inches apart.
- Lower your torso toward the wall until your face almost touches.
- Push through your triceps to return to the start position.
Muscles Worked
- Triceps
11. Windshield Wiper
- None
How To
- Lie on your back on the floor with your arms by your sides. Lift your legs up toward the ceiling, keeping them together.
- Pivoting from the hips (do not bend your knees), bring your legs down to the right, stopping just short of the floor.
- Move your legs in an arcing motion to the left.
- Continue back and forth in a windshield wiper movement to complete your rep count.
Muscles Worked
- Obliques
- Intercostals
- Rectus abdominis
12. Wall Handstand Push Up
- A wall
How To
- Stand with your back against a wall.
- Bend down to place your palms on the floor. At the same time walk your legs up the wall until you are in an inverted position. Your hands should be shoulder width apart and arms extended. The closer your hands are to the wall, the harder the exercise will be.
- Lower your head to the floor.
- Push back to the start position.
Muscles Worked
- Deltoids
- Triceps
13. Wenning Wrist Flicks
- Kettlebell (alternative: dumbbell)
How To
- Sit on a bench with your forearms resting on your thighs so that your wrists are free to move.
- Grab a kettlebell by the horns with a neutral grip so that it is inverted. Extend your arms to lock your elbows.
- Lower the wrists to the floor so that the kettlebell dips downward.
- Reverse the action to bring the bell up toward the ceiling.
Muscles Worked
- Wrist flexors and extensors
- Forearms
14. Wide Grip Bench Press
- Bench press bench
- Olympic bar and weights
How To
- Load the appropriate weight on the bar. You will not be able to lift as much on the wide grip version of the bench press than on the standard version.
- Lie on the bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Maintain a slight arch in your lower back, keeping your hips and shoulder blades down on the bench throughout the exercise.
- Grab the bar with a grip that is about six inches wider than shoulder width.
- Unrack the bar and bring it over your mid chest.
- Lower the bar to your chest, stopping when your elbows form s right angle.
- Press back to the start position.
Muscles Worked
- Pectorals
- Front deltoids
- Triceps
15. Wide Grip Bent Over Row
- Olympic bar and weights
How To
- Stand in front of a loaded bar.
- Bend down to grab the bar about six inches wider than shoulder width. Your torso should be at a 30-degree angle to the floor in the start position with the bar at mid shin level.
- Row the bar up to your ribcage.
- Lower under control and repeat for the required rep count.
Muscles Worked
- Latissimus dorsi
- Biceps
- Core
Wrapping Up
The ‘W’ exercises described above work every part of your body.
There is an emphasis, however, on the upper back with our variety of wide grip exercises. Use them to increase the activation of your lats and get a greater feel in the outer portion of the muscle.
These exercises can be performed as a marathon circuit workout where you move from one to the other without any rest. Alternatively, you can use the list as a resource for when you’re in search of a ‘W’ exercise as part of the alphabet workout.
For more alphabet workout ideas, check out:
Hope this helps!